Before printing a QSL Card, think if is really necessary to do it.
Apply norm "Paperless" at Home, School, University and in the Office.
Do your part!
If you really want and/or need our QSL Card, please take note about the following:
(Only for QSOs did with YN2YV callsign)
Please, send your card to:
Asociación Civil 4M5DX
AP: 66679
O.P.T. Plaza Las Américas
Estado Miranda
ZP 1061
Advice: do not place your callsign on the envelope
International QSLs Traffic Information (only direct): please, send your QSL with SAE (Self Addressed Envelope) and one new International Reply Coupon (IRC) for air mail to America, two International Reply Coupon (IRC) for air mail to Asia, Europe, Africa or Oceania countries. Those IRCs that do not have the local post office stamp shall not be exchangeable for the corresponding postage stamps, therefore; such IRCs are not valid for regular postpaid as a reply to the person who requests it.
We don´t send/receive QSL Cards by "Bureau Service"!
International Reply Coupon (IRC): It's an interchangeable postal value with one or more postage stamps that allows the sender paying the addressee in advance for the stamp's amount that the sender shall use in the reply letter (normal delivery). The IRCs are valid for all Universal Postal Union (UPU) member contries. Those IRCs that do not have the local post office stamp shall not be exchangeable for the corresponding postage stamps, therefore; such IRCs are not valid for regular postpaid as a reply to the person who requests it.
Also, via QSL Manager EB7DX, David Liañez (please check it out his QSL information at